Saturday, July 9, 2011

Final day of work!

Today we had a rainy final day of work in Nashville! We were working on 4 separate projects. Marylou and Marty were finishing up painting at Leon's house!

Jeff and Andy went to Richard's house to finish up the drywall!

David and Susanna went with Jim, a skilled craftsman that works for PDA, to work on tiling a bathroom. They spent literally all day there (got there around 8 and didn't get home until 7!). They had a great time, did a great job, and were even given cd's that Jim has recorded in a studio of his bass playing!

Here are some photos of their work!

The rest of us (Brian, Keith, John, Aly, Maddie, Kayla, Mark and I) went to Ed's house:

 The flood waters rose all the way up to a foot from the ceiling of his house. Due to this, after the floods he had to raise his house 7 feet (as you can see in the picture!). We needed to do a couple of things in his basement. 1)Empty out all of the debris into wheel barrows and take it to the dumpster. 2) Move around the dirt so the the floor was level.

 3) Take the gravel and wheel it into the basement (back breaking work!!!)
 4) Spread the gravel out so that it is nice and level!

All done!
The slogan of the other mission group working upstairs :)

This evening, we wrapped up our programs with a discussion on God's lyrics (referencing psalms of course!). We then were each given a notebook that we used to write down the "lyrics" of our life with God (our faith testimony!).

Also, Keith and Mary Lou worked on making our sign for the post inside the church! 

Can you guess what it will be?!

An oriole bird!!!

Easily the coolest sign on the post! Great job guys!

Now, our drivers are in bed resting up for the long haul tomorrow! The kiddies, Jeff and I are staying up late and hanging in the "blue room" so that we can sleep on the ride tomorrow :) Can't wait to see you all when we get back! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers! Good night!

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