Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

We are so excited to be going on another mission trip this June! Our calling this summer is to Texas City, Texas where we will rebuild houses that were destroyed during Hurricane Ike in 2008. In preparation for this trip, we have many exciting fundraisers and events happening over the next 3 and a half months! We would love to have your support and prayers in any way that you can offer them.

Here are the upcoming events for the TPC Youth Mission Trip:

Monday, March 1st:  Chick-Fil-A night at the Cockeysville location. 20% of the profits are donated to our trip! Come hungry and don't forget to mention that you are with our church! 5-8pm

Saturday, March 6th: Bingo Night and Silent Auction in Thompson Hall to raise money for mission. The event begins at 6:30, but youth and advisors should arrive at 6 to help set-up!

March 6-7th: Lock-in at the church following bingo night! Get ready to bond!

Monday, April 5th:  Chick-Fil-A night at the Cockeysville location. 5-8pm

Monday, May 3rd: Chick-Fil-A night at the Cockeysville location. 5-8pm

Sunday, May 9th: Fiesta Lunch and Plant sale in Thompson Hall after the 10:00 service to raise money for our trip! (More details to be announced)

Saturday, May 22: Car Wash! 10am-2pm. Location to be announced.

Monday, June 7th: Chick-Fil-A night at the Cockeysville location. 5-8pm

Saturday, June 12: Car Wash! 10am-2pm. Location to be announced.

Check back soon for more details and updates! Thank you for your support!